building a landing page

Building a Landing Page that Converts: A Comprehensive Guide to B2B Lead Generation

Landing pages are more than static web pages; they are potent tools for business growth. From lead generation and conversion to personalization and brand reinforcement, landing pages are pivotal to a comprehensive and effective B2B digital marketing strategy. By understanding the unique needs of B2B clients and leveraging the multifaceted benefits of landing pages, businesses can create engaging, targeted, and actionable platforms that contribute significantly to their bottom line. In this blog, let’s explore the essential elements and strategies for building a landing page that converts.

Understanding the Audience

Studies show that 96% of individuals who visit a landing page or website for the first time are not prepared to purchase immediately. A landing page visit or form submission often amounts to something other than a sales-qualified lead. At this stage, prospects are just scouting for information on how to solve a specific problem. 

A highly effective landing page would be focused on providing detailed, relevant, and trustworthy information that speaks directly to business needs and concerns. By focusing on clarity, credibility, and alignment with business goals, you can build a landing page that drives lead generation, nurtures existing relationships, and ultimately supports your business-to-business marketing objectives.

Crafting a Clear and Compelling Headline

On average, users only read about 20% of the content on a web page. A strong headline can help grab attention and entice users to read further. Heading with clarity is at the forefront of an effective landing page. Incorporating specific numbers or headings framed as questions can increase engagement significantly. By including core keywords in the heading, SEO efforts can be supplemented.

Personalization is the other key aspect of a compelling landing page; addressing a specific pain point with an emotional connection invokes curiosity or other emotions and has a 21% higher click-through rate than neutral headlines.

Including Engaging Visuals

According to various studies, using rich media for building a landing page can boost conversion rates by up to 86%. Aside from being aesthetically pleasing and engaging, images and videos help to illustrate how your product or service works, as well as help explain complex B2B services, products, and features.

Placing an engaging image or video above the fold can swiftly capture attention and elevate the aesthetic appeal of your page. Utilizing an explainer video can simplify the concepts for products or services with complex features, making them easily understandable. Visual representations, such as images that illustrate data or complex processes, aid in rendering intricate information more accessible. Videos containing customer testimonials resonate more and appear more authentic than text-based endorsements. Showcasing badges, certifications, awards, or logos of reputable clients can significantly bolster credibility. Offering a guided tour or walkthrough of a software platform or service can serve as a valuable tool to acquaint potential users with its functionality.

Showcasing the Value Proposition

Gallup’s survey reveals that 63% of B2B clients consider a company’s Value Proposition as a vital factor influencing their purchasing decisions. Furthermore, research conducted by MarketingSherpa illustrates that an engaging Value Proposition may elevate conversion rates by up to 80%. In B2B marketing, displaying the value proposition on a landing page is fundamental for drawing in and converting prospective business customers.

Clear communication of benefits is fundamental for building a landing page, as B2B buyers often seek specific solutions to their unique business problems; a well-articulated value proposition spells out precisely how a product or service meets those needs. Using visuals and data points to illustrate your value proposition will hold the message in good stead rather than just listing features. Differentiation from Competitors is also vital in a crowded marketplace, with a strong value proposition highlighting what makes an offering unique or superior. 

Implementing a Strong Call-to-Action (CTA)

Recent studies and research have shed light on some significant statistics that underscore the importance of strategic CTA design in conversion rates. According to HubSpot, personalized CTAs perform remarkably better, showing a 202% improvement over generic ones. The colour of the CTA also matters, with HubSpot’s findings that red CTAs boosted conversion rates by 21% compared to green ones. The placement of the CTA on the page is also a crucial factor; research by Unbounce revealed that CTAs positioned above the fold could enhance conversion rates by 20%. Additionally, the practice of regular A/B testing to optimize the CTA’s effectiveness was highlighted in a report by AdEspresso, showing that this approach can lead to an increase in conversions by 30-40%.

A fundamental aspect of crafting a compelling CTA is concise and action-oriented language emphasizing what the visitor will gain. Choosing contrasting colours and an optimal size ensures that the CTA stands out, grabbing the visitor’s attention. Positioning the primary CTA to be visible without scrolling enhances its effectiveness. In addition, the page’s overall message and value proposition must remain consistent to create a unified and persuasive impression. Including testimonials or certifications near the CTA can provide social proof and increase trust, bolstering the conversion potential. Ensuring that the CTA is easily clickable across various screen sizes ensures accessibility, broadening its reach. Regularly testing variations is a strategy to continually hone and improve performance, adapting to audience responses and maximizing the CTA’s impact.

Creating Trust with Social Proof

Through reviews and user-generated content, social proof influences consumer behaviour and trust. A study by Spiegel Research Center revealed that displaying reviews could enhance conversion rates by a staggering 270%. This impact is further supported by a BrightLocal survey, which found that 88% of consumers trust online reviews to the same extent as personal recommendations. A Nielsen study also substantiates trust in consumer opinions, illustrating that 70% of people rely on opinions posted online. Furthermore, engagement with user-generated content strongly correlates with conversion, as a Yotpo study concluded that customers engaging with such content were 97% more likely to convert to a brand. These statistics underscore the vital role that social proof plays in building trust and encouraging consumer action in today’s digital marketplace.

Imagine skyrocketing your conversion rates with just a touch of authenticity! That’s what showcasing customer testimonials, ratings, or even celebrity endorsements can do. But that’s not all. Wearing logos of well-known clients or flaunting those hard-earned certifications like a badge of honour? It builds an unshakeable credibility. And remember the power of the people! User-generated content, heartfelt reviews, and honest ratings are the real influencers, guiding purchasing decisions like a trusted friend. Want to make your brand buzzworthy? Get those social media shares and likes flowing. Social proof doesn’t just add sparkle; it’s a beacon of trust, especially for those new or lesser-known brands, dispelling doubts and turning sceptics into fans. Build that trust, sprinkle in some social proof magic, and watch as customers don’t just come running but stay loyal. Because in business, trust isn’t just a word; it’s your brand’s most valuable currency.

Ensuring Mobile Responsiveness

Mobile responsiveness is essential in today’s digital landscape, where more than 52% of all global internet traffic originates from mobile devices, as noted by Statista. It’s not merely a design consideration; it’s a necessity. Google’s research underlines this importance, revealing that 61% of users won’t return to a mobile site if they experience difficulties, with 40% opting for a competitor’s site. Additionally, 53% of mobile site visits are abandoned if loading takes over 3 seconds, and 79% of dissatisfied visitors will look elsewhere. The data clearly emphasizes the critical role of mobile responsiveness in retaining and engaging users.

Mobile responsiveness ensures that your website or landing page adapts seamlessly to various screen sizes, providing an optimal viewing experience. This entails focusing on load time, as mobile users expect quick access, and enhancing User Experience (UX) by simplifying navigation and making calls to action more accessible. Implementing responsive design techniques, such as flexible grids, scalable images, and media queries, will enable content to fit different screens. Regular testing on different devices is vital to ensure compatibility across various browsers, providing a cohesive experience; failure in this area could mean losing significant market share. Mobile SEO is also essential, as Google’s mobile-first indexing means the search engine primarily uses the mobile version of content for indexing and ranking. Rankings may drop for sites that are not mobile-friendly.

Adding Lead Capture Forms

Several statistical findings underscore the importance of effective lead capture forms. A study by Marketo revealed that reducing the form fields from 9 to 5 can boost conversions by 34%. HubSpot’s research has shown that end-of-post CTAs convert 47% better. Mobile-responsive forms, according to Formstack, increase submissions by 50%. Trust elements near the form can heighten conversions by 20%, as found by B2B Marketing. Encapsula discovered that clear incentives can enhance form-fill rates by 45%. Optimizely noted that A/B testing can escalate conversions by up to 49%. Lastly, TrustArc’s study emphasized that 78% of consumers are more likely to share information if privacy assurances comply with regulations like GDPR.

Adopting best practices is essential for creating high-converting lead capture forms on B2B landing pages. Focus on simplicity and clarity by reducing the number of fields to what’s vital. Place the CTA prominently and use compelling language. Emphasize mobile responsiveness to ensure that forms are easily fillable across devices. Include trust elements like testimonials or trust badges near the form to enhance credibility. Communicate the value proposition to the prospect and offer clear incentives. Engage in regular A/B testing to continually fine-tune and improve performance. Finally, ensure compliance with privacy regulations like GDPR, fostering trust and confidence in sharing personal information.

AB Testing for Optimisation

According to Adobe, companies that use A/B testing have a 45% higher chance of exceeding their marketing goals. Econsultancy’s research reveals that 61% of companies carry out at least five landing page tests per month. A report by Optimizely states that A/B testing can increase conversions by up to 49%. HubSpot found that companies that conduct more than 15 landing page tests per month see up to 30% more leads. Monetate’s study shows that businesses that spend more than 5% of their budget on optimization are twice as likely to see a high conversion rate.

A/B testing starts with identifying the objectives: improving conversion rates, click-through rates, or time spent on the page. Once the goal is set, it’s essential to choose specific elements to test, such as headlines, CTAs, images, or form fields, and create two distinct variations (A and B) of the landing page. Using specialized tools to equally split your traffic between the two variations, the performance of each version is then measured by analyzing metrics like conversion rate and bounce rate. Statistical analysis is used to determine the significance of the differences, leading to the implementation of the winning version. Finally, A/B testing isn’t a one-time process but requires continuous improvement through regular testing and iteration, always aiming for higher performance.


The art of building a landing page that converts is a multidimensional process deeply rooted in understanding the audience, creating compelling headlines, incorporating engaging visuals, showcasing a unique value proposition, implementing strong CTAs, building trust with social proof, ensuring mobile responsiveness, optimizing lead capture forms, and employing A/B testing for continuous optimization. It’s not just about creating a visually appealing page but a strategic alignment of various elements that drive leads, nurture relationships, and support your B2B marketing objectives. As the digital landscape evolves, staying ahead requires constant learning, testing, and adapting to keep your landing pages relevant, engaging, and high-performing.

If you want to elevate your landing page performance, enhance conversions, and achieve unprecedented success in your digital marketing campaigns, look no further than Sonder Digital. With our expert team and cutting-edge solutions tailored for B2B businesses, we maximize your ROI by delivering landing pages that resonate with your target audience and drive real results. Explore our range of services, and let us transform your online presence today. Visit us at